A Polish Woman
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“Pretend my hand is Tomasz’s plane,” he said. Jurek’s hand began to pull Cesia’s now trembling hand higher. “The larger aircraft will pull the glider into the sky and then release it. Now, after I release my hand, don’t drop yours.”
Jurek let go of her hand. She held it up there, not knowing what was going to happen next. Jurek moved his head underneath her shaking hand and gently blew on it. This sent a current of electricity through Cesia’s whole body. Her whole being started to tremble, and her eyes were as big as the full moon that was beginning to appear in the sky. Then the charge gave way to a tranquil moment. The sensation of his cool breath on her hand made her swoon, and she emitted a tender sigh that she hoped he didn’t hear. She didn’t want to let him know that his demonstration was making her melt.
Let the Angels Keep You Safe Links

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You can also check out my friend's Elizabeth Westwell's Sugarmill Bed & Breakfast.

Below are some helpful links to give you some background on WWII and the struggle Poland faced.

Links about WWII
  • OnWar.com - A terrific site that includes maps and a comprehensive day by day chronology of WWII
  • BBC history of WWII - Summarizes key events during WWII from a British perspective
  • World War II - The Canadian Encyclopedia focuses on Canada's involvement in the war
Links about Poland
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A non-fiction book by Matthew Illaszewicz - 2013